Matthew Richards

APA Pain Physiotherapist

PhD, BPhysio, APAM, MACP

Clinic: Bundoora

Matthew has been working with our group since 2007 and is now the Team Leader of our Pain Management program at Bundoora.  He has completed a PhD on individualised physiotherapy functional restoration management of multifactorial persistent low back pain.

Research Outcomes and Impact

Richards, M.C., Ford, J.J., Slater, S.L., Hahne, A.J., Surkitt, D.L., Davidson, M., & McMeeken, J.M. (2013). The effectiveness of physiotherapy functional restoration for post-acute low back pain: A systematic review. Manual Therapy, 18(1), 4-25. doi:10.1016/j.math.2012.06.005.

Hahne, A.J., Ford, J.J., Surkitt, L.D., Richards, M.C., Chan, A.Y., Thompson, S.L., … Taylor, N.F. (2011). Specific treatment of problems of the spine (STOPS): design of a randomised controlled trial comparing specific physiotherapy versus advice for people with subacute low back disorders. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 12(1):104. doi:10.1186/1471-2474-12-104

Ford, J.J., Richards, M.C., & Hahne, A.J. (2012). A classification and treatment protocol for low back disorders: Part 4 – Functional restoration for low back disorders associated with multifactorial persistent pain. Physical Therapy Reviews, 17(5):322-334. doi:10.1179/1743288X12Y.0000000034

 Slater, S.L., Ford, J.J., Richards, M.C., Taylor, N.F., Surkitt, L.D., & Hahne, A.J. (2012). The effectiveness of sub-group specific manual therapy for low back pain: A systematic review. Manual Therapy, 17(3):201-212. doi:10.1016/j.math.2012.01.006

Ford, J.J., Hahne, A.J., & Richards, M.C. (2013). This is a response to commentary on ‘Classification and treatment of subacute low back pain. Putting the bio-psycho-social model together’. Physical Therapy Reviews, 18(1):54. doi:10.1179/1743288X12Y.0000000050

Ford, J.J., Hahne, A.J., Surkitt, L.D., Chan, A.Y., Richards, M.C., Slater, S.L., … Taylor, N.F. (2016). Individualised physiotherapy as an adjunct to guideline based advice for low back disorders in primary care: A randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(4):237-245. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-095058

Surkitt, L.D., Ford, J.J., Chan, A.Y., Richards, M.C., Slater, S.L., Pizzari, T., & Hahne, A.J. (2016). Effects of individualised directional preference management versus advice for reducible discogenic pain: A pre-planned secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Manual Therapy, 25, 69-80. doi:10.1016/j.math.2016.06.002

Chan, A. Y. P., Ford, J. J., Surkitt, L. D., Richards, M. C., Slater, S. L., Davidson, M., & Hahne, A. J. (2017). Individualised functional restoration plus guideline-based advice vs advice alone for non-reducible discogenic low back pain: A randomised controlled trial. Physiotherapy, 103(2), 121-130. doi:10.1016/

Hahne, A. J., Ford, J. J., Hinman, R. S., Richards, M. C., Surkitt, L. D., Chan, A. Y., … Taylor, N. F. (2017). Individualized functional restoration as an adjunct to advice for lumbar disc herniation with associated radiculopathy. A preplanned subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Spine Journal, 17(3), 346-359. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2016.10.004

Hahne, A.J., Ford, J.J., Richards, M.C., Surkitt, L.D., Chan, A.Y., Slater, S.L., & Taylor, N.F. (2017). Who benefits most from individualised physiotherapy of advice for low back disorders? A preplanned effect modifier analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 42(21), E1215-E1224. doi:10.1097/brs.0000000000002148

Hahne, A.J., Ford, J.J., Surkitt, L.D., Richards, M.C., Chan, A.Y., Slater, S.L., & Taylor, N.F. (2017). Individualized physical therapy is cost effective compared to guideline-based advice for people with low back disorders. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 42(3), E169-E176. doi:10.1097/brs.0000000000001734

Ford, J.J., Richards, M.C., Surkitt, L.D., Chan, A.Y., Slater, S.L., Taylor, N.F., & Hahne, A.J. (2018). Development of a multivariate prognostic model for pain and activity limitation in people with low back disorders receiving physiotherapy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99(12), 2504-2512. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2018.04.026

Ford, J., Hahne, A., Surkitt, L., Chan, A., & Richards, M. (2019). The evolving case supporting individualised physiotherapy for low back pain. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(9),1334. doi: 10.3390/jcm8091334

Ford, J. J., Slater, S. L., Richards, M. C., Surkitt, L. D., Chan, A. Y. P., Taylor, N. F., & Hahne, A. J. (2019). Individualised manual therapy plus guideline-based advice vs advice alone for people with clinical features of lumbar zygapophyseal joint pain: A randomised controlled trial. Physiotherapy, 105(1), 53-64. doi:10.1016/

Surkitt, L. D., Ford, J. J., Chan, A. Y., Richards, M. C., Slater, S. L., Pizzari, T., & Hahne, A. J. (Submitted). Experiences and perspectives of participants with a low back disorder receiving directional preference management: A qualitative study. Disability and Rehabilitation.