You might find that there are times you feel helpless and lacking directly. Don’t worry – this is common.

One major part of your pain management program is to help you work out what is most important to you in your life, and what your goals are. What do you want to achieve? Where would you like to be?

This then allows your Advance practitioners to tailor the program to empower you to achieve these goals in a step by step process. The following resources are useful to read, listen to and engage with over your pain management program. Thinking about how this information might apply to your situation and discussing this with your Advance practitioner will greatly assist in your recovery.

1. Goal setting info sheet - A ‘how to guide’ on how to set and achieve your goals

2. Goal sheet - a place for you to record your short, medium and long term goals. We suggest doing this online (talk to your practitioner about how this works) but you can print and write on this sheet. You will then need to take a photo (in good light) and email/SMS it to your Advance practitioner from time to time

3. Graded activity and exercise info sheet - information on how goals are the key to working out the best rehabilitation program to restore your quality of life

4. Graded activity and exercise homework sheet - this is another way of recording short, medium and long term goals that some patients prefer

3. Goal setting eLearning module - in this module the team explains goal setting including discussions with real patients and even a quiz to text your understanding. At the end of the module you can retake the quiz and see if your understanding has improved!

If you require this information in a different language, please contact your Advance practitioner.